High hopes with the Iron Man Freeroll today. 321 Players.. top 90 get paid.
Things going good first hour. I get AA that Runs into AK on A high flop. From there, a few steals and by the first break, I am a bit over average in 48th place with T3460 w/ a tourney avg of 2500. 15 minutes later, I get KK and get all in with a short stack with 77 and it holds up. Up to 21st place with 181 people left. I hit 5K in chips a few minutes later. Exactly 4 minutes later I get KK again. A raise in front of me. I re-raise and he calls. Q9x flop. He checks and I half pot and he goes all in. Yep, he had 99 and severely crippled me.. 3 minutes later I get A8 and get all in on a AA2 board. Any guesses what the villian had? Yep 22. I'm out in 148th. From looking good to out in 3 minutes.
I don't know what a stroke feels like; but I think I am starting to get the gist of it over the last few months. Incredible, incredible beats time after time.
Here's another one. I have AKs in MP and UTG raises, I 3 bet 2 cold callers and UTG calls. 6A4 (2 spades.. I have clubs. Don't worry, no river flush beats here). BB bets out and UTG calls, I raise and get 2 callers. Turn brings 8c. This time checked to me and of course I bet out, I get raised all-in by someone and then someone calls, I re-raise and get called. River 5s. UTG Checks and I just check fearing yet another brutal flush suckout on river. As it turns out, it was much worse, UTG 85o for runner, runner 2 pair. What can you do? Please tell me. What can you do?
Luckily, I will be taking a week long vacation where there is no internet access. Hopefully, I will come back refreshed; but right now, I just feel like quitting.
When is a bluff not a bluff?
5 days ago
Have a good vacation, away from it all. You and Mrs W deserve it.
What can you do? Exactly what you are doing, getting away from poker. You are clearly running bad and when it starts getting into your head, taking a break is the cure.
Enjoy your vacation!
Hopefully the break helps you brother. I don't know what to say about the 85o, I probably would have dropped the f bomb and few other explicatives.
Hope your vacation was good!!!
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